Character and byte counter

When you enter a string, it will display the number of characters (digits) and the number of bytes in the specified character encoding.

Enter Text

Enter Text
Fixed Display

Select Character Encoding

#Character EncodingAliasDescription
1UTF-8A variable-length character encoding for Unicode, compatible with ASCII.
2UTF-16A variable-length encoding for Unicode, commonly used in Windows.
3UTF-32A fixed-length encoding for Unicode, using 32-bit code units.
4Shift_JISShift JISJapanese encoding, with 1-byte or 2-byte characters.
5Microsoft Code Page 932CP932, Windows-31J, MS932Japanese encoding, with 1-byte ASCII and 2-byte Japanese characters.
6EUC-JPJapanese EUCJapanese encoding, with variable-length characters.
7ISO-2022-JPJIS CodeJapanese encoding using escape sequences for switching character sets.
8ASCIIASCII CodeA 7-bit encoding for English alphabets and basic symbols.
9ISO/IEC 8859-1Latin-1An 8-bit encoding for Western European languages.
10Windows-1252CP1252An extended ASCII encoding for European languages.
11GB 2312Chinese encoding for simplified characters, using 2 bytes per character.
12GBKCP936, MS936An extension of GB 2312, compatible with Unicode 1.1.
13GB 18030Chinese encoding supporting multiple languages and character sets.
14Big5Encoding for traditional Chinese characters, used in Taiwan and Hong Kong.
15KOI8-RRussian Cyrillic encoding, compatible with ASCII.
16KOI8-UUkrainian Cyrillic encoding, compatible with ASCII.

Character and Byte Count

Character Count (Digits)Byte Count

Calculate newline code as CRLF.

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